May your pomegranate be a mighty red juicy one!
Tonight Iranians are celebrating Yalda, the longest night of the year. Yalda is celebrated on the eve of the first day of the winter, which falls on the Winter Solstice. On Yalda, members of the family get together, narrate old stories, play traditional games, and eat fruits especially pomegranates. Pomegranates are reminders of the cycle of life. The outer covering of a pomegranate symbolises birth or dawn and their bright red seeds the glow of life.
I have just found out that won the Blogwurst award by an overwhelming majority of jury's vote.
Thank you all for your support and may your wurst also forever be dipped in the ketchup of love and mustard of happiness!
Deutschewelle has a Best of Blogs award and has been nominated under the category for satire.
Blogwurst Award
Off the wall, a little crazy, completely different and a blast to
read. The blog you didn't know you would like but now can't go without
will be the winner of the Blogwurst Award.
>> You could vote for the site here!
Tomorrow UK computer users are being invited to upload their diaries and thoughts to
The campaign, backed by the National Trust and English Heritage, wants as many people as possible to record a 'blog' diary which will be stored by the British Library as a historical record of everyday life.
>> Update: my entry is here
A Terracotta Warrior and a German impostor!
I enjoyed reading the story about a German art student who disguised himself as a terracotta warrior and fooled police briefly before being discovered.
>> Read the story here
Maximilian Kianoush in traditional Qajar fashion!
>> See more photos: Poetry, Picnics and Persian Pastimes
Iranian Weekend at V&A - Sunday 10 September 2006
Love is here to stay?
so is her Iranian family!
I was about four years old in Tehran when my eldest brother went to study at the American University of Beirut. He used to send us postcards rather than long letters. I remember vividly how happy I was when we received these cards.
I particularly loved the Lebanese stamps. They were much more colourful and interesting than the Iranian stamps. I also loved the Lebanese flag with its beautiful Cedar tree. I think Lebanese flag was the first flag that I could recognize as a child.
It's hell of a day, when all the sixes come together - the 6th day of the 6th month in 2006. The fear of the number 666 is known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.
A graduate from the Congo, who was at BBC for a job interview, appeared on the news channel in place of an IT expert after a mix-up.
>> Watch the interview here
"What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"
According to Douglas Adams' book HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy the answer is Forty-two!
As I am 42 today, here are some facts on it:
Today I spent an afternoon with Max watching sharks & tropical fish at the London Aquarium.
The first year was McBlog, last year Blogger King and this year is StarBlogs!
Chester Zoo is inviting applications for its 2006 art residency. "This scheme is aimed at helping artists develop and express their creative skills in the uniquely stimulating environment of one of Europe's leading zoos."
>> Click here for further details, including information on how to apply.
Free bananas will be provided for the right applicant!
This is very similar to the job in London Zoo!
This morning my friend Reza brought some Persian pastries for Norooz and here is a picture I made of them:
I can't wait for spring to arrive!
Spring Equinox is on Monday 20th of March 2006 at 06:25:35 PM Greenwich Meantime.
Following the recent trend goes radioactive and NHS passes resolution on it!
I was in hospital for 5 days and had to have radiological scans.
I am recovering well from a chest infection and an asthma attack.
Londoners are having a whale of a time watching a whale up the Thames. Crowds gathered on the banks of the Thames today to catch a glimpse of a northern bottle-nosed whale. It is the first sighting of a whale on the Thames since records began. >> Read the story here.