My proposed crest for HM Revenue & Customs with the new motto: "Deux CD sont perdus" (Two CDs are lost!) instead of the usual "Dieu et mon droit"
The former head of HM Revenue and Customs, who resigned over the loss of two discs containing the personal details of 25 million people, has returned to work in Whitehall on a ?200,000 salary. Paul Gray quit as chairman of HMRC on November 20, after a junior official lost two CDs carrying details of all British families with a child under 16 -this includes mine- in the mail.
An email I received today:
Dear Mehrdad,
It's been a long time since we talked - I hope you are doing well!
There's been increased interest in the Enough Fear campaign lately, and we've decided to take the next step in this campaign and start direct conversations between Iranians and Americans. We have designed an action that will link Americans and Iranians who otherwise would never have the opportunity to talk with each other.
Here's a brief description of how the action would work: A simple phone bank, made up of 4-5 old-style red desk phones (like the ones used for direct emergency talks during the Cold War), will be set up in a public space in the US. At the same time, 4-5 house parties will be held in Iran. A phone call from each phone in the US will be placed to a phone at each of the house parties. The phone calls will run continuously for 1-2 hours, and passers-by in the US will be offered the chance to have a 5 minute conversation with one of the people at the house parties. (Each phone in the US will have a translator on the line, as well.)
We've lined up the first volunteer in Tehran to hold a house party, and we're looking for more. Do you know anyone in Iran who you think might be interested in participating in this event? We're open to just about anyone - it could be a family and friends or any other gathering where people would be interested in speaking for a few minutes with Americans. We're not placing restrictions on what people can talk about - we think it?s important to open the lines of communication.
If you'd be willing to spread the word, either through friends or your blog, we'd really appreciate it.
We've also put up some information on this event at
Nick Jehlen
Bush administration dominatrix, Debra Cagan pounds on her "war drum" to British MP's. According to Dail Mail, Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush's senior women officials: "I hate all Iranians." And she also accused Britain of "dismantling" the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.
Iraq fell into the dark side now it's Iran's turn.
Darth and Debra Maul:
Tony Blair this week used his last official foreign engagement before leaving office to tell Pope Benedict he wanted to become a Roman Catholic.
I always knew he had a bigger job in mind.
George Bush finally found a country that welcomed him as a hero. It seems that he has taken over from Norman Wisdom as Albania's hero. Both have perfect comic timing too. With President Bush, it's when he is being vilified for his policies around much of the world, then turning up in Tirana to be hailed a hero.
>> Bush keeps perfect comic timing but loses track of timepiece
Even a US paper airplane is capable of carrying out precision-guided bombing!
Bush the Post-Iraq Turtle:
And here is the old story of Bush the Post Turtle:
An old rancher got his hand caught in a gate while working cattle. He wrapped the hand in his bandana and drove his pickup to the doctor. While suturing the laceration, the doctor asked the old man about George W. Bush being in the White House.
The old rancher said, "Well, ya know, Bush is a Post Turtle".
Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked what a Post Turtle was.
The old man looked at him and drawled, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a Post Turtle."
The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain: "You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to help the poor dumb bastard get down."
>> Iraq as a Noose
>> Iraq as Darth Vader
Rageh Omaar embarks on a unique journey inside what he describes as one of the most misunderstood countries in the world, looking at the country through the eyes of ordinary Iranians. Rageh meets with local people to hear their personal stories and feelings about the current state of affairs in Iran.
Tomorrow British MPs will debate and vote on Iraq. The vote will take place at 7pm. Stop the War has called an evening demonstration outside parliament from 5-7pm. Come along and make your voice heard.
Wednesday 24th January 5pm Parliament Square. See you there!
Carry on Flying could be another title for a new Carry On film starring Tony Blair as Kenneth Williams!
>> read the story here
The Carry On films were a long-running series of British comedy movies. They were a mix of parody, farce and double entendres. They are seen as classic examples of British humour.